Welcome to Power Core Comics!

Hey, Everyone! Welcome to Power Core Comics!

You might be wondering just who I am and what this website is… well, worry not! My name is Jeremiah Hall, the author of this humble little blog and your tour guide through a new world of adventure and discovery!

Chances are, you came here after reading Geared Up! The Battle Begins! If so, I hope you enjoyed it! And on the offchance this page was your first choice… Uh, greetings? You know there’s a whole free comic you can read here, right?

A-anyway, I suppose some introductions are in order. Like I said before, my name’s Jeremiah, and I’m (currently) a 21-year-old ameteur author and illustrator who likes to draw comic books and spends maybe a little too much time starting new projects rather than finishing old ones. Did you know you can make fully animated cartoons in Blender for free? With enough time, I bet I could- Ah! sorry, getting side-tracked again. I’m here to talk about


P.C.C is ground zero for my ultimate passion project, Geared Up! The Battle Begins! A (soon to be) multi-saga series about a group of young boys and girls who go on a grand adventure to show the world what they’re made of, and do some growing up along the way! Did I mention that there’s robots? Like, LOTS of robots? And robots fighting? Robot animals, robot monsters, GIANT robots?! Yeah, the world of Geared Up is big into robots.

The first three chapters are live on the website as of today, with seven more on the way over the next few months! Julia Andrews (fellow adventurer and my correspondent in Vecron) Has a bunch of posts live too, with a lot more to come! I’ll be sending out Email notifications for each new release too, so be sure to subscribe to that if you haven’t already!

As for my little corner here, anything goes, really! Major updates, for sure, but you can bet there’ll be plenty of bonus content and musings on the way soon!

Anyway, that’s gonna be all from me for now! I’ll leave you with one last bonus video I made last year, which showcases some of my favourite Robomon in action!

Until next time! Enjoy, Everyone!

  • Jeremiah Hall